Thursday 6 October 2016

Preliminary Excercise


Continuity task: To film and edit a character opening a door, crossing a room, sitting down in a chair opposite another character with whom she/he exchanges a few of lines of dialogue. This task should demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180 degree rule.

Preliminary Exercise
In the last couple of lessons I and 3 other people; Josie, Callum Gethin-Barkway and Alfie, created a short film in order to learn the basics of filming and editing. When filming we used the technique shot reverse shot as it was an essential part to the Preliminary exercise.
The plot was a man trying to smuggle fruit into Australia but the Australian security guard was not allowing it. We edited the film on iMovie, we tried adding a variety of different sound effects such as footsteps but unfortunately we were not able to make the effects fit into the scene.

We imported the footage from the memory card into iMovie and then placed them into the movie and trimmed each clipping order to remove any unwanted footage. Alfie removed all background noise as we didn't need any of the background noise as it was just people muttering. Alfie was also the camera man as well as the main editor in this exercise as everyone bar Alfie in the group didn't have any experience with filming and editing however Alfie did, So Alfie aided us to work out the basics and learn how to use a camera, tripod and iMovie.

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