4 Who is Your Target Audience for Your Film?

Who is my Target Audience: Action Steps

1. Who is my primary target audience? Our target audience are British people, male or female who enjoy psychological dramas.
2. What makes my film stand out from the competition? Our film is about the mental struggles of readjusting to life after tramatic experiences during war.
3. Why should my audience watch my film? 'The most introspecive war film since Full Metal Jacket'

Audiences can be defined in different ways:

I know I must understand my target audience and create a profile of my 'ideal' audience member as this information is imperitive when creating my marketing strategy.
Audiences can be segmented and defined by their GEARS.

Region/ Nationality
Socio-economic group

My target audience for Home is likely to be:

Age Group: 15-35+
Gender: Men and women
My target audience is likely to watch TV shows that are similar to: Elementary, Dexter, War and Peace and war documentaries.

My target audience is likely to watch movies such as: Goodwill Hunting, American Sniper, Full Metal Jacket.

I have created an audience profile based on NME's reader profile:

[Source: Bauer Media]
Bauer Media profile audiences for their clients (such as; Empire, Kiss, Kerrrang! and Mother and Baby magizine):

There are numerous different ways of profiling audiences such as psychographics, socioeconomics and demographics.Psychographics are a method to catagorise the audience by their characteristics and personalities.

Another way of catagorising audiences is psychographics;

Mazlo's hierarchy of needs;

Mazlo Abraham theorised that human needs act like a hierarchy, higher needs cannot be met if basic needs haven't been met. This theory accounts for how brands target each need individually.

Adorno and the Culture Industry;
Theodore Adorno believed that advertising creates false needs. False needs are cultivated in people by the 'culture industry' which are both created and satisfied by the capitalist system that rules the people. Adorno believed that these false needs overtook our real need for freedom, dull expression of human potential and creativity. These false needs subdue the public and prevent their search for higher needs. An example of this would be Disney's Beauty and the Beast, of whom's saturated media campaign has been relentless, marketing the movie by relying upon nostalgia of the older audience as well as merchandise for their younger audience.

Image result for tryptic beauty and the beast

BFI Exit Polls;
The BFI conducts exit polls to gauge audience response to films after their screening. For example the film 71, directed by Yann Demange.
This Excel spreadsheet allows the creators to easily understand what about the film did or didn't appeal to audiences as well as how they heard about the film. For example, 8% of the audience that was surveyed sourced their information about the film by Tv adverts and 14% believed that it looked exciting.


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  2. Very good. You show understanding of how audiences are profiled by companies such as NME and Bauer Media, how different types of profiling and audience segmentation work; theoretical frameworks such as Maslow and Adorno; and how the BFI use exit polls to ascertain audience responses. You have created an audience profile for your film 'Home' (but please add the visual profile) and have a clear idea of its tastes and habits. Good work, appropriately supported by evidence and illustration.
