Tuesday 24 January 2017

PLANNING: Opening Credits

In order to use this in our finished film, I have researched the importance of opening credits at the beginning of a film, (as our brief is to make a film opening) and I discovered the order that most opening credits have to follow. The general order of most opening credits is listed below, and listed are the opening credits to our film:

1. Studio that is distributing the film; Studio Canal
2. Production company; A Virtual Walrus Studios Production
3. Main artistic credit; A Bowes-Richards film
4. Principal actors; Tom Richards
5. Film title; Home
6. Featuring; Owain Fahoy, Tom Richards
7. Production design; Tom Richards
8. Editor...Edited by; Tom Richards and Matthew Bowes
9. Director of Photography; Matthew Bowes
10. Based on the play (novel, graphic novel) by; N/A
11. Screenplay; written by; screenplay by; Matthew Bowes and Tom Richards
12. Director; Directed by; Matthew Bowes

We have decided on both the main title of our film and the name of our production company for our film, which will be called Virtual Walrus Studios. For our Production Company Logo, we decided on a minimalistic image of a walrus inside a colourful circle, that Tom and I will implement after all the filming is done, in post production.

To fully utilise the range of technologies at our disposal, We have decided that during or post production phase Tom will create the infographic for our opening credits of the film using the website Piktochart, which will enable us to present information clearly and in a more unique creative fashion

Monday 9 January 2017


Today my group has started work on our Padlet board, Padlet is a free online tool that can allow my partner and myself to contribute to a virtual noticeboard. This tool will allow us to comment on each other's notices with extra ideas, critiques, alternatively, we could post entirely new ideas as separate notices. Our Padlet will be used to plan our video diary of our character and the script of our movie opening and after this will be used for https://padlet.com/womr64/4lobe8tcpfgo